Answered By: Amy Zuverink
Last Updated: Jan 22, 2025     Views: 28


University Libraries supports unpaid practicums for students enrolled in formal library, archivist and museum studies education programs. The goal of the program is to supplement the student's education, while also meeting the mission of the libraries. We will consider both students affiliated with UNM programs and students not affiliated with UNM. Contact Cindy Mason, the University Libraries HR Administrator, at for more information.

University Libraries encourages currently enrolled library, archivist and museum studies students to develop practicums that provide a broad range of experiences in an academic library by working with one or more library unit but supervised by just one faculty mentor. The student must articulate, in collaboration with librarians, well defined objectives and projects from each of the library units selected, and the department head of each of these units will sign off on the objectives and projects. Students wanting to only work within one department or unit must articulate a progression of objectives and projects within that unit to demonstrate how the student will develop a depth of knowledge in one particular area.

Application Process

  1. Students desiring an educational experience through a practicum will first contact the UNM University Libraries Employee Resources Department by reaching out to our HR Administrator, Cindy Mason, at Employee Resources will forward the request to either the department head in whose department they wish to work or to one of the associate deans. Students should be aware that opportunities may not be available every semester.
  2. The department head will schedule a meeting with the student (either face-to-face or virtually) to discuss the parameters of the practicum, including additional library personnel as needed.
  3. Working with the department head, the student will prepare a proposal that includes the following:
    1. brief introduction, stating student's name, the library, archives or museum studies educational program, course faculty advisor contact information, and any other pertinent information;
    2. student's stated educational goals, objectives, specific projects, anticipated outcomes as well as a timeline for the educational experience;
    3. specific objectives for department/unit staff working with the student;
    4. stated requirement, provided by Department Head, how the project will support the mission of the library
    5. stated requirements to be met by the student for their educational program
    6. stated requirements to be met by the library staff member supervising the student.
  4. The proposal will be submitted to the associate dean, through the department head, for approval.
  5. The associate dean will notify the department head of the acceptance or rejection of the proposal, including any modifications. The department head will notify the student.
  6. If the proposal is accepted to this practicum, the student is expected to provide her/his own laptop as appropriate. University Libraries may or may not provide temporary NetID to the student.


  1. Students will complete and submit all paperwork required by University Libraries before commencing the practicum.
  2. Students are responsible for completing and submitting all paperwork and other requirements of the library as well as their educational program throughout the practicum as required by their educational institution.
  3. Students are responsible for completing all tasks and projects agreed to as part of this practicum.
  4. The faculty advisor from the student’s educational program is responsible for tracking the student's progress and maintaining contact with the library supervisor throughout the course of the educational experience.
  5. A copy of the completed student evaluation required by the student’s educational program will be forwarded to the Associate Dean.
  6. The University Libraries employee resources department will keep copies of all applications and completed practicums.

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