Proxy Borrower - UNM Materials
UNM faculty, staff, and students can authorize one proxy borrower to pick up and check out UNM library material on your behalf. For more information on this service, see the Borrowing Information page.
Authorized Users - Inter Library Loan
UNM faculty, staff, and students can authorize users to pick up and check out their Inter Library Loan materials. To add authorized users to your account, sign into your Illiad account, select Profile under the Tools menu on left side navigation options, go to Authorized User and add names. Click here for more information about ILL policies.
Curbside Pick-up - by appointment
Carry out services can be arranged for library items. The pickup location is in the parking lot north of Zimmerman Library. Email about the items you need. We will contact you, set an appointment time and then meet you in the parking lot with the requested items at the scheduled time.
Outdoor book drops are located at:
- Zimmerman Library (ZIM): one each on the north and south sides, to the left of the entry doors
- Centennial Science and Engineering Library (CSEL): north side of the entrance foyer
- Curbside Book Drop @ 1920 Las Lomas Rd. NE.