Answered By: Megan Vandal
Last Updated: Feb 29, 2024     Views: 821

A permalink (a.k.a. persistent URL or PURL) is used to create direct and stable access to the full text of an article or particular web page, such as a specific search that yielded results you would like to share.

When the library's catalog and databases are searched the web addresses (URLs) that appear in the address bar of your web browser are often specific to that search session and will give an error message if you try to access them later.

Permalinks are useful when you want to share material, especially with students, faculty, or staff who are accessing online materials off campus or on Canvas.


In the library catalog and some databases, you can find an item's permalink in the Share tool menu. Below is an example of how to find a permalink to share a specific search:

Image of catalog search results with Share tool exposed and permalink highlighted


You can also find permalinks for specific titles by clicking the permalink button in the right sidebar:


If you are using the WorldCat Discovery catalog, you can find the permalink under the "Share" option and copy the link that appears in a pop-up window:

To ensure that permalink works off campus, make sure it goes through our proxy server by adding the proxy prefix to the beginning of a permalink. The proxy prefix is:

Note that in some databases, permalinks are proxied automatically.


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