Reference and instruction services related to Indigenous Studies and Research
Events promoting Indigenous scholarship and cultural heritage
Culturally sensitive outreach events and programs
Active engagement with middle and high school programs via library tours, instruction and information literacy
Three drop-in study rooms and one large meeting room that requires reservations
Two computer workstations
Current and recent back issues of native newspapers:
Cherokee One Feather, Fort Apache Scout, Indian Times, Jicarilla Chieftain, Navajo Hopi Observer, Native American Times, Navajo Times, and News from Indian Country
Newly acquired Indigenous Books and Journals in the INLP Gathering Place:
Cultural Survival Quarterly, Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association
A small collection of American Indian Youth Literature books
The Michael and Enokena Olson Memorial Scholarship, which awards two $250 scholarships for Fall and Spring semester to undergraduate and graduate Native American students
For more information, contact: or call (505) 277-7433.