Answered By: Amy Zuverink
Last Updated: Jan 17, 2025     Views: 454

For hard copy books:

  • Access the library homepage
  • Scroll down the page to the Course Reserves button
  • In the reserves catalog, search for your course by course name, course number or professor
  • At the course reserve page, you can find books or other items on reserve for your class.
  • Be sure to check which library is holding the items. Most science books are at Centennial Science and Engineering Library, most art or art history books will be at the Fine Arts and Design Library and other social sciences are at Zimmerman Library.  

In each library, Course Reserve books are located behind the Service Desk. Please let the staff know the name of the book, the class name, and that you are looking for book on course reserve. The staff member will retrieve the item for you. Course reserve items circulate for 2 hours, 1 day or 3 days to ensure broader access. Please be sure to return items within their checkout time.

If you do not see your class listed, that means the library does not have a book on reserve for that class. In this case, please ask for assistance at the service desk and we can double-check!

Electronic reserves are accessed through the class Canvas page. Consult your syllabus or ask your instructor for more info.


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